Julian House Bike Workshop - Bath
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Julian House Bike Workshop - Bath
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Albert sold and fitted 2x new inner tubes on my bike. made my day! cheers!
We booked our bike in for a problem with the brakes. the gentleman who served us was able to solve the problem on the spot and didn’t charge us. excellent service and we will be back.
Such a great resource for the community. popped in needing a specific part and they had it in an old box and it cost me £1. no other bike shops had the part i needed great service
I’m a touring cyclists and quasi-bike mechanic. if i lived in the region, i’d take my bikes to this shop first. this staff are extremely friendly, helpful, and more knowledgable than most that i’ve been to. though i’m not in the market i did glance at their sale bikes. their prices and quality seemed to be quite good too.
In august my beloved bike and i suffered a collision with another cyclist. the damage was considerable as the rear steel rim- wheel was severely damaged! it was horribly bent and warped. i went to three cycle shops in wiltshire and the diagnosis was not good. i was told that due to the rim being steel it could not be pulled back into shape! this led me to search for a donor wheel that i thankfully found online. also i was so heartened that it was an exact match! so i meticulously cleaned and polished the wheel. having spoke to a gentleman at julian house cycles, i was given hope that my bike could be restored to me. upon delivery of my wheels to the workshop my wife and i were warmly greeted by a gentleman who not only said that it was possible to use the donor wheel but that he would also have a go at straightening the original rim as a challenge! this was hugely appreciated! the repair was made and all the original spokes and gear mechanism was transferred from the damaged to the new wheel successfully! i am dyslexic and i also have slight autism that makes me a little obsessive- so although the donor wheel has seen more of life it has been integrated successfully- seamlessly with my beloved raleigh bomber that has such an significant part of my life for years! i cannot be without her! to me, other bikes simply do not compare and julian house has restored my beloved raleigh bomber to me! i cannot express my gratitude enough and the cost for the service was so reasonable, professional, courteous and warm! my wife is looking to purchase a bike and julian house cycles is the one as it will be for our cycling needs!