Dunskey Castle
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Dunskey Castle
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Great walk & the coastline was beautiful. so happy i made the journey today. the castle is all ruins & there were only 5 other people visiting when i did.
Wonderful and inspiring building. amazingly constructed for strength with metre plus thick walls using a variety of stone. it must have been a remarkable sight in its time. shame about the litter left behind by visitors. very popular on the sunny afternoon that we visited having walked over from portpatrick.
It’s a amazing abandoned castle, still in perfect condition and you can walking inside even get to first floor with lovely sea view. it’s free to visit and can often park in local holiday park.
One of the best coastal castle ruins in scotland. 10 minutes walk from car park. has a unique "gritty, medieval" feel to it by the stone work used to construct it.
Love this place. still in pretty good condition for a ruined castle. had me thinking it would be easy to bang a new roof on and clean it up a little to turn into a lovely little homestead. you have to come through a holiday park to get to it. there's a small parking area at the very end, then it's a couple of minutes walk to the castle.