London Music School

  • 293-295 Mare St, London E8 1EJ, UK, ,
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London Music School


(5 Review)
Jul 04, 2017

London Music School has been extremely enriching for me in my musical education. My harmony and theory was terrible and I am making huge progress in very little time. I don't know how, but all of our teachers make it fun and interesting to learn, I've never wanted to stay at school and do the work as much as I do now! Everyone who is a part of the school teachers included are like family to me and we all get along so easily it's a lovely atmosphere! If you love music and want to learn more, this is the perfect place for you!

Jan 15, 2020

Cannot recommend the school highly enough,. I have been attending LMS for over a year now, after initially only signing up for 6 months, with no immediate plans to leave. Fantastic atmosphere between students and teachers, who are all of a world class quality and have a genuine vested interest in seeing students achieve to the best of their ability, often going above and beyond the call of duty to give students the support needed. I have already completed the Audio Engineering course, starting as a complete novice, and feel as though I have received the best education possible on the topic, through a combination of both theory and practical lessons, all taught by a range of teachers, all extremely well versed in engineering from all different perspectives and backgrounds. I am now on the bass course after discovering a love for the instrument while at the school, and have received outstanding support and encouragement from the teachers to help me progress, causing me to become a vastly improved bassist, and musician, in general. In the last few months since receiving lessons, i have improved far beyond the capabilities I had acquired from over a year of self taught playing. All I can say for the few negative reviews of the school on here is that you only get out what you put in, as a teacher can only teach those that are willing to learn. Fantastic school with fantastic people, students and teachers alike, many of which I intend to stay in contact with even when my course is complete. Once again, cannot recommend LMS enough.

Dec 12, 2022

I came to LMS for a 3 Month, 2-day a week Drum Course to improve my drumming. It helped me improve significantly, and, a year later...I'm still going once a week to LMS! It's a great place, with incredibly friendly people, a welcoming atmosphere, and excellent teachers. I've been playing drums for 14 years. I felt I had stagnated a bit and I wanted to improve/unlearn some bad habits! Being at LMS has raised my level for sure :) The school offers students an invaluable practice/learning environment as you're playing with a band for a good 2 to 3 hours – twice a week, every week. You also then have a mix of One on one lessons and workshops with other students who play your instrument (on top of the instrumental & performance songs to learn every week). I can’t recommend it enough - a great atmosphere, excellent teaching, and practical playing every week; I think it’s the perfect environment for any musician to improve!

Dec 08, 2022

I initially joined London Music School for a 6 month course in piano and vocals. I've sung and played in bands for many years, but was mostly self taught and wanted to dedicate some time to learning from experienced, gigging musicians and vocal experts. I wasn't disappointed! The quality of the teaching is impressive - the tutors have real life, current, experience. The teaching is grounded in practical experience, with weekly in-house performances, leading to regular LMS gigs at a local venue in London. The supportive and encouraging environment combined with focused teaching and practical experience has massively helped to develop me as a musician and vocalist. In fact, I loved the experience so much that I go back to help out with the school gigs whenever possible. I'd recommend the London Music School to anyone who wants to dedicate some time to develop real-life skills as a musician, singer (or song writer or sound engineer). I've never been asked for a piece of paper to prove if I can sing or play keys. In this industry, it's about commitment and showing others what you can do. London Music School will help give you the tools you need to succeed in this industry.

Dec 10, 2022

I came to LMS to get better at singing. I've sung in lots of covers bands for the past 20 years and picked up some unhealthy singing habits so I wanted to learn to use my voice properly and get more confident at performing. I came to LMS for 3 months and ended up staying and coming back each term. We learn so much - the teachers are extremely talented musicians and varied in their teaching styles, so you always learn not only new skills but new ways of doing things. We always feel welcome and there is a lovely family vibe. Each week we learn and perform new songs - rock, pop, folk, soul, disco, choir and more. Teachers and students are kind and supportive and there is no pressure to be 'perfect' - just to do your best and learn as you go. The in-house performance classes are a great way for people who are new or experienced to work together and learn from each other. I love all of it - the live gigs are so much fun and a valuable lesson in engaging the audience and thinking on your feet! I'm so happy I found LMS. :)

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