Tony Pound

  • 19 Hurst St, Oxford OX4 1EZ, UK, ,

About Business

Tony Pound


(5 Review)
Feb 22, 2023

Tony has been extremely helpful & efficient which has made securing my mortgage a very positive experience. I would highly recommend him to anyone else looking for financial help

Mar 14, 2022

My initial consultation with Tony was exactly what I was hoping for: he spent two hours chatting sensitively to me about all the elements of my financial situation and what I needed advice on. He showed great empathy as well as professionalism and expertise. I'm very confident that he will able to advise me on all the matters we discussed and I will definitely go ahead with working with him on my financial plans for the future.

May 20, 2023

Tony was really informative and helped me to understand what I need to consider when trying to plan my future finances. Definitely recommended!

Jul 07, 2023

Tony was a great help as he explored my different options and offered potential strategies. He was also very mindful of the anxieties that come with potential retirement

Sep 13, 2023

I’m a 41-year-old freelancer and I contacted Tony because I’d been feeling generally uncertain and unconfident about my strategies for savings and investments for the medium and long term. I’m so glad that I reached out. In advance of our free consult, Tony shared a helpfully detailed template for me to complete, providing an overview of current income, outgoings, and assets, as well as my current state of health and my priorities and aspirations. Tony then gave his time generously on our Zoom call, helping me explore what’s going on for me right now in connection with my finances and my work/life structures more broadly, and what I should or shouldn’t be doing differently in the near and further future. I came away with all my specific questions (e.g. about investment decisions) answered, and also with a really encouraging sense that I’m basically on the right track with everything. Thanks to Tony’s post-session email summary and an itemized net-worth statement in PDF form, I now have a clear outline of the status quo and a simple set of action points to follow: things to do right now (max out my ISA allowance for the year!) plus things to definitely or maybe do once specific other factors change. Finally, I was very grateful that Tony gave me a clear overview of the investment review and retirement planning services he offers (including rough costs) that might be relevant to me in the future, with no pressure to book them unless and until the time is right. Tony’s lifestyle-oriented approach—focused on how to make your money work for you in creating the kind of life you actually want to live—resonated with me. His approach and expertise, his open and engaging manner, and his overall professional integrity together mean that I would not hesitate to entrust my financial affairs to him in the future.

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Business Hours

  • Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    Tuesday: Closed
    Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    Saturday: Closed
    Sunday: Closed
